Friday, January 23, 2009

Take no thought what ye shall eat

I've set a goal this year to lose 18 pounds by June 30th, and 25 pounds this year. So far, I've not made a lot of progress. And one of the problems about being on vacation is that it's easy to lose track of food consumption.

So sitting at this computer I turned to the New Testament. I'm reading in Luke, where the Savior says, "Consider the lilies, take no thought what ye shall eat or drink..." And I thought, how might this apply to me? Does it just apply to the apostles in the New Testament? Because when I take no thought, I tend to overdo it!

And then I tried to think about this in the larger picture. He said, Take no thought... but instead think about the Kingdom. So instead of focusing on the food, or, even the hunger, think about the Lord, or say a prayer, or use something spiritual?

The first Sunday of the month in our Church is Fast Sunday, and I try to go 2 meals without food. Hard to do, but one way it is easier is when I start to feel really hungry, I begin to pray about the thing I'm fasting for, and the hunger seems to ease. Could this apply to everyday life? If so, how?

Well, I'm a therapist, and it is often my job to help people come up with solutions for their lives. But I'm not a therapist here, so I welcome your ideas. Does this scripture apply to us generally? I realize it probably was given to apostles, and missionaries, but even Peter asks, "Does this mean just us, or to us all?" It seemed that in the Savior's answer, it was to those who are truly seeking to do what He would want. Which category I TRY to fall into. Thoughts, comments, concerns? Thanks for your help and for reading my random thoughts. Have a great day!

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