Friday, May 13, 2011


Things are going a little better with Madison. We got into see the new psychiatrist in town who claims she can treat children, adolescents AND adults. We can hope. AND Madison saw her PCP who increased her meds and moved them to afternoon so she'll be calmer.

Tomorrow is a big family party, AND she was invited to a birthday party, to which she would love to go. But families come first. I hope she can handle that.

My niece Jordan moved in this week; to go to school and to try a taste of independence. She will also be helping with Madison. Madison is SO strong willed, i hope she doesn't run roughshod over Madison.

It will all work out. And it's Spring!! That's a good thing.

In case you're wondering, we have changed names to protect the innocent?? Guilty?? us?? Okay, not really us, but our daughter's name is now Madison, at least in some contexts. So there you go. Gotta remember confidentiality! At least until this adoption is finalized.